6 Responses to “UPSC – IAS : CSAT – Aptitude Test Paper – Question Papers , Answers Key & Explanation”

  1. rahul panchal Says:

    tellllll me sir wat the main sub for prepration civil services

  2. farhath Says:

    hello sir,
    i am a mba final year student. am very excieted about cilvils.. so plz provide me some useful on which subjects have to choose give guidens for me, & send me some solved civils previous papers.

  3. JYOTI Says:

    sir i am a student of B.E.Nagpur University of computer technology stream. I am in 2nd year 4th sem.Sir i want to know that which subject i should choose for the preparation of csat examination,UPSC.

  4. saravanan ponnappan Says:

    nice site..i got a more information and materials from this site…so useful..and thanks…saravanan.p

  5. srisailam Says:

    sir i am a student of B.tech.jntu hyd University of electrical stream. I am in 4th year.Sir i want to know that which subject i should choose for the preparation .

  6. c.boomanickam Says:

    hello sir ,i am a student in 2nd yr civil engineering,plz say that the opportunites for girls in civil field

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